muSa Michelle Mattiuzzi *

Is an undisciplined artist whose research and practice unfold in works that transit through different means of expression, from performance to writing, from photography to films. Colonial violence is a constant theme of muSa’s poetic investigation and her works appropriate and subvert the exotic place attributed to Black women's bodies by the white-cis-normative imagery narratives, which transform her image into some sort of aberration, an entity split between the wonderful and the abject. muSa is currently interested in Black radical thought and in the study of the works of philosopher Denise Ferreira da Silva and cultural theorist Fred Moten.

* Born in São Paulo, Brazil, in 1983. Based in Berlin, Germany.

musa Michelle Mattiuzzi

Current Projects

Rethinking the aesthetics of the colony

Translation and diasporic political imagination studies with Denise Ferreira da Silva and Jota Mombaça. A partnership with Echos of the South Atlantic (by Goethe-Institut São Paulo, Brazil) and The Social Justice Institute of the University of British Columbia (GRSJ), in Vancouver, Canada, 2019-2021.


Abolition garden

Political imagination study project. It is being developed as part of the Artistic Research Fellowship in collaboration between Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut and Villa Romana, Florence, Italy, 2021.

Fellowships, artistic residencies, festivals and collective exhibitions


  • Frestas - Trienal de Artes, Sesc Sorocaba, Brazil.
  • Fellowship 2021, Artist Residency at Villa Romana, Florence, Italy.






Lectures, seminars, workshops, etc.